List of Famous people with last name Marinello

Sandra Marinello

First Name Sandra
Last Name Marinello
Born on May 29, 1983 (age 41)

Sandra Marinello is a German badminton player. She was born in Duisburg, and started to playing badminton in 1995. Marinello was part of the 1. BC Düren from 2008-2014, and previously plays for the SV Thomasstadt Kempen, BV RW Wesel, TV Remscheid, SCU Lüdinghausen, PSV Ludwigshafen, and BV Gifhorn. She won the women's doubles title at the national championships from 2009-2012 partnered with Birgit Overzier. Together with the German national women's team, she won the bronze medal at the 2006 Uber Cup in Japan. She also won the women's doubles bronze at the 2012 European Championships with Overzier.

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