List of Famous people with last name Macgowan

Shane MacGowan

Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowan
First Name Shane
Last Name MacGowan
Born on December 25, 1957 (age 66)

Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowan is an Irish-English singer, songwriter, and musician. He is best known as the lead singer and songwriter of Celtic punk band the Pogues. He was also a member of the Nipple Erectors and Shane MacGowan and the Popes, as well as producing his own solo material and working on collaborations with artists such as Kirsty MacColl, Joe Strummer, Nick Cave, Steve Earle, Sinéad O'Connor, and Ronnie Drew.

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Kenneth Macgowan

First Name Kenneth
Born on November 30, 1888
Died on April 27, 1963 (aged 74)

Kenneth Macgowan was an American film producer. He won an Academy Award for Best Color Short Film for La Cucaracha (1934), the first live-action short film made in the three-color Technicolor process.

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