List of Famous people with last name Maastricht

Gondulph of Maastricht

First Name Gondulph
Born on January 1, 0524
Died on November 30, 0606 (aged 82)

Gondulph of Maastricht, sometimes of Tongeren was a bishop of Tongeren-Maastricht venerated as a Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox saint. Together with Saint Servatius and Saint Monulph, he is one of the patron saints of the city of Maastricht.

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Lambert of Maastricht

First Name Lambert
Last Name Maastricht
Born on January 1, 0635
Died on September 21, 0705 (aged 70)

Lambert of Maastricht, commonly referred to as Saint Lambert was the bishop of Maastricht-Liège (Tongeren) from about 670 until his death. Lambert denounced Pepin's liaison with his mistress Alpaida, the mother of Charles Martel. The bishop was murdered during the political turmoil that developed when various families fought for influence as the Merovingian dynasty gave way to the Carolingians. He is considered a martyr for his defence of marriage. His feast day is September 17.

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Perpetuus of Maastricht

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