List of Famous people with last name Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Dee Lohan
First Name Lindsay
Last Name Lohan
Born on July 2, 1986 (age 38)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Lindsay Dee Lohan is an American actress, singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. Born and raised in New York, Lohan was signed to Ford Models as a child. Having appeared as a regular on the television soap opera Another World at age 10, her breakthrough came in the Walt Disney Pictures film The Parent Trap (1998). The film's success led to appearances in the television films Life-Size (2000) and Get a Clue (2002), and the big-screen productions Freaky Friday (2003) and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004).

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Chela Lora

First Name Chela
Last Name Lora
Born on September 15, 1962 (age 62)

Donata Melina Nicolette "Dina" Lohan née Sullivan is an American television personality who rose to fame as the mother and manager of actress Lindsay Lohan. She is also the mother of Michael Jr., Aliana and Dakota Lohan.

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Michael Lohan Jr.

First Name Michael
Last Name Jr.
Born on December 16, 1987 (age 37)
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Ali Lohan

First Name Ali
Last Name Lohan
Born on December 22, 1993 (age 31)

Aliana Lohan is an American singer, actress, fashion model and television personality. Lohan is the younger sister of actress and singer Lindsay Lohan.

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