List of Famous people with last name Landes

Michael Landes

First Name Michael
Last Name Landes
Born on September 18, 1972 (age 52)

Michael Christopher Landes is an actor.

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Ruth Landes

First Name Ruth
Last Name Landes
Born on October 8, 1908
Died on February 11, 1991 (aged 82)

Ruth Landes was an American cultural anthropologist best known for studies on Brazilian candomblé cults and her published study on the topic, City of Women (1947). Landes is recognized by some as a pioneer in the study of race and gender relations.

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Bertha Knight Landes

First Name Bertha
Born on October 19, 1868
Died on November 29, 1943 (aged 75)

Bertha Ethel Knight Landes was the first female mayor of a major American city, serving as mayor of Seattle, Washington from 1926 to 1928. After years of civic activism, primarily with women's organizations, she was elected to the Seattle City Council in 1922 and became council president in 1924.

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