List of Famous people with last name Lagerqvist

Hans Lagerqvist

Hans Ture Lennart Lagerqvist
First Name Hans
Last Name Lagerqvist
Born on April 28, 1940
Died on July 22, 2019 (aged 79)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Hans Ture Lennart Lagerqvist was a Swedish pole vaulter who won a silver medal at the 1972 European Athletics Indoor Championships. He cleared the same height of 5.40 m as the winner, Wolfgang Nordwig, but used more attempts. Lagerqvist placed fourth at the 1971 European Championships and seventh at the 1971 European Athletics Indoor Championships and 1972 Olympics. He won the national title in 1965 and 1972 and held several national records.

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