List of Famous people with last name Kussmaul

Rainer Kussmaul

First Name Rainer
Last Name Kussmaul
Born on June 3, 1946
Died on March 27, 2017 (aged 70)

Rainer Kussmaul was a German Grammy Award-winning violinist and conductor.

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Adolf Kußmaul

Carl Philipp Adolf Konrad Kußmaul
First Name Adolf
Last Name Kußmaul
Born on February 22, 1822
Died on May 28, 1902 (aged 80)

Adolph Kußmaul was a German physician and a leading clinician of his time. He was born as the son and grandson of physicians at Graben near Karlsruhe and studied at Heidelberg. He entered the army after graduation and spent two years as an army surgeon. This was followed by a period as a general practitioner before he went to Würzburg to study for his doctorate under Virchow.

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