List of Famous people with last name Krigsvoll

Anne Krigsvoll

First Name Anne
Last Name Krigsvoll
Born on February 4, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Norway, Trøndelag

Anne Katharine Krigsvoll is a Norwegian actress. She debuted at Nationaltheatret in 1982, and has worked there since. Here she has had roles such as "Shui Ta" in Brecht's The Good Person of Sezuan, and "Dorine" in Molière's Tartuffe. In 2002 she also had great success as "Martha" in Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. Krigsvoll has also worked in film and television, and in 1988 won the Amanda Award for her role in the TV-series "Av måneskinn gror det ingenting". She has been married four times.

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