List of Famous people with last name Kossel

Albrecht Kossel

Ludwig Karl Martin Leonhard Albrecht Kossel
First Name Albrecht
Last Name Kossel
Born on September 16, 1853
Died on July 5, 1927 (aged 73)

Ludwig Karl Martin Leonhard Albrecht Kossel was a German biochemist and pioneer in the study of genetics. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1910 for his work in determining the chemical composition of nucleic acids, the genetic substance of biological cells.

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Walther Kossel

First Name Walther
Last Name Kossel
Born on January 4, 1888
Died on May 22, 1956 (aged 68)
Born in Germany

Walther Ludwig Julius Kossel was a German physicist known for his theory of the chemical bond, Sommerfeld–Kossel displacement law of atomic spectra, the Kossel-Stranski model for crystal growth, and the Kossel effect. Walther was the son of Albrecht Kossel who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1910.

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