List of Famous people with last name Korikos

Bohemond of Lusignan, Lord of Korikos

First Name Bohemond
Died on November 17, 1344
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Oshin of Korikos

First Name Oshin
Last Name Korikos
Born on January 1, 1300
Died on February 26, 1329 (aged 29)

Oshin of Korikos served as regent of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia from 1320 to 1329. He was the son of the historian Hayton of Korikos. He became regent for Leo IV on the death of King Oshin in 1320, whom he was rumoured to have poisoned. Oshin was also probably responsible for the deaths of King Oshin's sister Princess Isabella of Armenia and two of her sons, in order to remove rival claimants.

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Alice of Korikos

First Name Alice
Last Name Korikos
Born on November 30, 1304
Died on January 1, 1329 (aged 24)

Alice of Korikos was Queen of Armenia by marriage to Leo IV, King of Armenia. She was the only daughter of Oshin of Korikos and his first wife Margaret of Ibelin.

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