List of Famous people with last name Kington

William Kington

First Name William
Last Name Kington
Born on September 24, 1838
Died on April 21, 1898 (aged 59)

William Miles Nairne Kington was an English army officer and cricketer.

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Thomas Kington

First Name Thomas
Last Name Kington
Born on January 1, 1771
Died on April 2, 1827 (aged 56)
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Thomas Kington

First Name Thomas
Last Name Kington
Born on October 22, 1738
Died on October 15, 1786 (aged 47)
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Caroline Margaret Kington

First Name Caroline
Last Name Kington
Born on June 2, 1837
Died on December 18, 1897 (aged 60)
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Anthony Kington

First Name Anthony
Last Name Kington
Born on January 1, 1710
Died on November 15, 1764 (aged 54)
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Phyllis Nairne Kington

First Name Phyllis
Born on September 2, 1885
Died on January 1, 1959 (aged 73)
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Philip Kington

First Name Philip
Last Name Kington
Born on December 17, 1832
Died on July 2, 1892 (aged 59)

Philip Oliphant Kington was an English businessman and landowner who inherited a Scottish clan chiefdom and also played a single first-class cricket game in Australia. From 1867, when he inherited Ardblair Castle in Scotland from his maternal Oliphant relatives, he took the triple-barrelled name "Kington-Blair-Oliphant". He was born at Clifton, Bristol and died at Datchet, then in Berkshire, now in Buckinghamshire.

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Thomas Kington

First Name Thomas
Last Name Kington
Born on April 28, 1795
Died on February 19, 1857 (aged 61)
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Norah Skye Kington

First Name Norah
Born on March 4, 1874
Died on July 27, 1931 (aged 57)
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Susanna Ann Kington

First Name Susanna
Born on January 1, 1779 (age 245)
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Don't know him/her
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