List of Famous people with last name Kingi

Henry Kingi

First Name Henry
Last Name Kingi
Born on December 2, 1943 (age 80)

Henry Kingi is an American stuntman and actor. As a stuntman he has worked in films like Fast Five (2011). His acting roles include Goody in Car Wash (1976), Shell in Earth Star Voyager (1988), the mean Indian in Far Out Man (1990), Kungai Demon in Parting Gifts, an episode of Angel (1999), and George in From Mexico with Love (2009).as a miscrew he worked in films like The Assault, From Paris with Love, Patriots Day and Colt 45. He has also played in the TV series "The A Team" mostly as a bad guy And stuntman The A Team:(1983 – 1987)

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