List of Famous people with last name Kahanamoku

Duke Kahanamoku

Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku
First Name Duke
Last Name Kahanamoku
Born on August 24, 1890
Died on January 22, 1968 (aged 77)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Duke Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku was a Native Hawaiian competition swimmer who popularized the ancient Hawaiian sport of surfing. He was born towards the end of the Kingdom of Hawaii, just before the overthrow, living into statehood as a United States citizen. He was a five-time Olympic medalist in swimming. Duke was also a Scottish Rite Freemason, a Shriner, a law enforcement officer, an actor, a beach volleyball player and a businessman.

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Samuel Kahanamoku

Samuel Alapai Kahanamoku
First Name Samuel
Last Name Kahanamoku
Born on November 4, 1902
Died on April 26, 1966 (aged 63)

Samuel Alapai Kahanamoku was an American competition swimmer who represented the United States at the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, where he won a bronze medal in the men's 100-meter freestyle event. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and was the younger brother of the surfer and Olympic gold medalist Duke Kahanamoku and elder brother of Sargent Kahanamoku.

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