List of Famous people with last name Isenburg-limburg

Imagina of Isenburg-Limburg

First Name Imagina
Died on November 30, 1399

Imagina of Isenburg-Limburg was the Queen consort of Adolf of Nassau, King of Germany.

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Gerlach I of Isenburg-Limburg

First Name Gerlach
Last Name Isenburg-Limburg
Born on November 30, 1226
Died on January 1, 1289 (aged 62)

Gerlach IV of Isenburg-Limburg, also known as Gerlach I of Limburg, was from 1258 Count of (Isenburg-)Limburg, ruling over the town of Limburg an der Lahn and some villages in its hinterlands. He was the founder of the short-lived House of Limburg.

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John I of Isenburg-Limburg

First Name John
Last Name Isenburg-Limburg
Born on November 30, 1265
Died on September 29, 1312 (aged 46)

John I of Isenburg-Limburg, "The blind Lord" was from 1289 Count of (Isenburg-) Limburg and the head of the House of Limburg. The core territory of the Lordship of Limburg consisted of the city of Limburg an der Lahn and several surrounding villages.

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Gerlach II of Isenburg-Limburg

First Name Gerlach
Last Name Isenburg-Limburg
Died on April 2, 1355

Gerlach V of Isenburg-Limburg, also called Gerlach II "the Elder" of Limburg, was Count of Isenburg-Limburg. He reigned between 1312 and 1355 as Lord of Limburg an der Lahn, and the head of the House of Limburg. The chronicler Tilemann Elhen von Wolfhagen describes him, in his pre-1402 Limburger Chronicle, as a virtuous nobleman and a bright poet in German and Latin.

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