List of Famous people with last name Hussein

Princess Haya bint Al Hussein

First Name Princess
Last Name Hussein
Born on May 3, 1974 (age 50)

Princess Haya bint Hussein is the daughter of King Hussein of Jordan and his third wife Queen Alia, and the half-sister of King Abdullah II.

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Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein

First Name Prince
Last Name Hussein
Born on March 29, 1980 (age 44)

Hamzah bin Hussein, is the fourth son of King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan overall and the first by his American-born fourth wife, Queen Noor. He was named Crown Prince of Jordan in 1999, a position he held until his older half-brother, King Abdullah II, rescinded it in 2004. He is a member of the Hashemite dynasty, the royal family of Jordan since 1921, and is a 41st-generation direct descendant of Muhammad. Hamzah is currently believed to be under house arrest since April 2021, after being accused of attempting to destabilise the Kingdom of Jordan and fomenting unrest. Hamzah renounced his title of prince in April 2022.

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Huda Hussein

First Name Huda
Last Name Hussein
Born on August 20, 1965 (age 59)

Huda Hussein, also known as Al-Malika, is a Kuwaiti-born actress and producer.

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Princess Raiyah bint Al Hussein

First Name Princess
Last Name Hussein
Born on February 9, 1986 (age 39)

Princess Raiyah bint Hussein is the youngest daughter of King Hussein of Jordan and Queen Noor. She has two brothers Hamzah and Hashem and an elder sister Princess Iman. She is a half-sister to King Abdullah II of Jordan.

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Prince Hashim Al Hussein

First Name Prince
Last Name Hussein
Born on June 10, 1981 (age 43)

Prince Hashim bin Hussein is the younger of the two sons of King Hussein and Queen Noor of Jordan. In her autobiography, Queen Noor states that Hashim was named after the clan of Hashim, a tribe to which the Islamic prophet Muhammad and King Hussein belong. He is in the line of succession to the Jordanian throne.

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Raghad Hussein

First Name Raghad
Born on September 2, 1968 (age 56)

Raghad Saddam Hussein is the eldest daughter of Saddam Hussein, the former president of Iraq.

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Princess Iman bint Al Hussein

First Name Princess
Last Name Hussein
Born on April 24, 1983 (age 41)

Princess Iman bint Hussein is a Jordanian princess.

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Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein

First Name Prince
Last Name Hussein
Born on October 11, 1963 (age 61)

Prince Faisal bin Hussein is a son of King Hussein and Princess Muna, and the younger brother of King Abdullah II. Periodically he has served as regent during his brother's absences abroad.

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Haifa Hussein

First Name Haifa
Born on October 22, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Bahrain

Haifa Hussein is a Bahraini actress and singer, well known for Khaliji television dramas in her native Bahrain. Haifa begun her career in 1999, she get her famous in her main role in Lakita TV series, she announced her retirement in 2018.

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Princess Alia bint Hussein

First Name Princess
Last Name Hussein
Born on February 13, 1956 (age 69)

Princess Alia bint Hussein is the eldest child of King Hussein of Jordan. Her mother is his first wife, Sharifa Dina bint Abdul-Hamid.

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