List of Famous people with last name Hunnam

Charlie Hunnam

First Name Charlie
Last Name Hunnam
Born on April 10, 1980 (age 44)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Charles Matthew Hunnam is an English actor and screenwriter. He is known for his roles as Jackson "Jax" Teller in the FX drama series Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014) for which he was twice nominated for the Critics' Choice Television Award for Best Actor in a Drama Series, Nathan Maloney in the Channel 4 drama Queer as Folk (1999–2000), Lloyd Haythe in the Fox comedy series Undeclared (2001–2002), the title role in Nicholas Nickleby (2002), Pete Dunham in Green Street (2005), Raleigh Becket in Pacific Rim (2013), Percy Fawcett in The Lost City of Z (2016), and the title role in Guy Ritchie's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) and as Raymond Smith in The Gentlemen (2019).

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