List of Famous people with last name Hamilius

Émile Hamilius

First Name Émile
Last Name Hamilius
Born on May 16, 1897
Died on March 7, 1971 (aged 73)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Émile Hamilius was a Luxembourgish politician for the Democratic Party. He was the Mayor of Luxembourg City from 1946 until 1963, and also sat three stints in the Chamber of Deputies. Hamilius was the second President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions, from 1953 until 1959.

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Jean Hamilius

First Name Jean
Last Name Hamilius
Born on February 5, 1927 (age 97)
Born in Luxembourg

Jean Hamilius is a former Luxembourgish politician and government minister from the Democratic Party. He was born in Luxembourg City. He served as Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Public Works (1974–79) as well as Associate Minister for Foreign Affairs (1976–1979) in Gaston Thorn's government (1974–79). He sat in the Chamber of Deputies between 1969 and 1984, and in the communal council of Luxembourg City (1969–74). He was one of Luxembourg's six Members of the European Parliament from 1979 until 1981.

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