List of Famous people with last name Halliwell

Geri Halliwell

Geraldine Estelle Halliwell
First Name Geri
Last Name Halliwell
Born on August 6, 1972 (age 51)
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Geraldine Estelle Horner, is an English singer, songwriter, author, actress, and philanthropist. She rose to prominence in the 1990s as Ginger Spice, a member of the pop girl group the Spice Girls. With over 85 million records sold worldwide, the group became the best-selling female group of all time. The phrase "girl power", regularly uttered by all five members, was most closely associated with Halliwell. Her Union Jack dress from the 1997 Brit Awards also became an enduring symbol of girl power. In 1998, Halliwell left the Spice Girls to pursue a solo career but later returned to the group when they reunited in 2007.

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Steve Halliwell

First Name Steve
Last Name Halliwell
Born on March 21, 1946 (age 78)

Stephen Harold Halliwell is an English actor, known for portraying the role of Zak Dingle in the ITV soap opera, Emmerdale, which he has played since 1994.

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