List of Famous people with last name Grigorovich

Yury Grigorovich

First Name Yury
Born in Russia

Yury Nikolayevich Grigorovich is a Soviet and Russian dancer and choreographer who dominated the Russian ballet for 30 years.

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Ivan Grigorovich

First Name Ivan
Last Name Grigorovich
Died on March 3, 1930
Born in Russia

Ivan Konstantinovich Grigorovich served as Imperial Russia's last Naval Minister from 1911 until the onset of the 1917 revolution.

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Viktor Hryhorovych

First Name Viktor
Born on April 30, 1815
Died on December 19, 1876 (aged 61)

Victor Ivanovich Grigorovich, was a Russian Slavist, folklorist, literary critic, historian and journalist, one of the originators of Slavic studies in the Russian empire.

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Dmitry Pavlovich Grigorovich

First Name Dmitry
Born on January 25, 1883
Died on July 26, 1938 (aged 55)
Born in Ukraine

Dmitry Pavlovich Grigorovich was a Ukrainian, Russian and Soviet aircraft designer of a number of planes under the Grigorovich name.

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