List of Famous people with last name Gresley

Nigel Gresley

First Name Nigel
Born on June 19, 1876
Died on April 5, 1941 (aged 64)

Sir Herbert Nigel Gresley was a British railway engineer. He was one of Britain's most famous steam locomotive engineers, who rose to become Chief Mechanical Engineer (CME) of the London and North Eastern Railway (LNER). He was the designer of some of the most famous steam locomotives in Britain, including the LNER Class A1 and LNER Class A4 4-6-2 Pacific engines. An A1 Pacific, Flying Scotsman, was the first steam locomotive officially recorded over 100 mph in passenger service, and an A4, number 4468 Mallard, still holds the record for being the fastest steam locomotive in the world (126 mph).

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Mary Gresley

First Name Mary
Last Name Gresley
Died on January 1, 1828
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Sir Thomas Gresley

First Name Sir
Died on August 31, 1610
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Catherine Gresley

First Name Catherine
Last Name Gresley
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John Gresley

First Name John
Last Name Gresley
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unknown Gresley

First Name Unknown
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unknown Gresley

First Name Unknown
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unknown Gresley

First Name Unknown
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Don't know him/her

John Gresley

First Name John
Last Name Gresley
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Don't know him/her

Thomasine Gresley

First Name Thomasine
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Don't know him/her
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