List of Famous people with last name Goodell

Roger Goodell

First Name Roger
Last Name Goodell
Born on February 19, 1959 (age 65)

Roger Stokoe Goodell is an American businessman who is currently the Commissioner of the National Football League (NFL). On August 8, 2006, Goodell was chosen to succeed retiring commissioner Paul Tagliabue. He was chosen for the position over four finalists; he won a close vote on the fifth ballot before being unanimously approved by acclamation of the owners. He officially began his tenure on September 1, 2006, just prior to the beginning of the 2006 NFL season. On December 6, 2017, the NFL announced that Goodell signed a new contract that would start in 2019. Commentators have described him as "the most powerful man in sports."

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Brian Goodell

Brian Stuart Goodell
First Name Brian
Last Name Goodell
Born on April 2, 1959 (age 65)

Brian Stuart Goodell is an American politician, former competitive swimmer, two-time Olympic champion, and former world record-holder in two events. He is currently the Mayor of Mission Viejo, California.

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