List of Famous people with last name Gleich

Ashley Moyer Gleich

First Name Ashley
Last Name Gleich
Born on August 5, 1987 (age 37)

Ashley Moyer-Gleich is an American professional basketball referee in the National Basketball Association (NBA), wearing number 13. Moyer-Gleich became the fourth woman to be a full-time NBA referee. Moyer-Gleich played college basketball at Millersville University in Millersville, Pennsylvania. Moyer-Gleich previously refereed in NBA Gatorade League for two seasons and the 2018 WNBA season before becoming a full-time referee for the 2018-19 NBA season. On October 22, 2018, Moyer-Gleich made her NBA official debut referring a regular season contest between Indiana Pacers and Minnesota Timberwolves at Target Center. On November 15, 2018, the NBA announced that Moyer-Gleich was promoted to a full-time member of the league's officiating staff which she previously officiated three regular-season games and two preseason games as a non-staff referee.

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Hermann Gleich

First Name Hermann
Last Name Gleich
Born on September 10, 1815
Died on April 2, 1900 (aged 84)
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