List of Famous people with last name Gawn

Max Gawn

First Name Max
Last Name Gawn
Born on December 30, 1991 (age 32)
Born in Australia

Max Gawn is a professional Australian rules footballer playing for the Melbourne Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). A ruckman, 2.08 metres tall and weighing 108 kilograms (238 lb), Gawn is capable of contributing in both the ruck and forward line. A basketballer and rugby union player at a young age, he pursued his career in Australian rules football and was drafted to the Melbourne Football Club with the thirty-fourth selection in the 2009 AFL draft. He made his AFL debut in the 2011 AFL season. Knee and hamstring injuries hampered his first four seasons in the AFL before he moved into the number one ruck position at Melbourne in 2015 along with All-Australian selection in 2016. Gawn was named as Melbourne's captain at the start of the 2020 AFL season. He also has Geelong Football Club in his back pocket

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