List of Famous people with last name Fyfe

Robert Fyfe

First Name Robert
Last Name Fyfe
Born on September 25, 1930
Died on September 15, 2021 (aged 90)

Robert Fyfe is a Scottish actor, best known for his role as Howard in the long-running British sitcom Last of the Summer Wine from 1985 to 2010. He was born in Alloa, Scotland.

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Nat Fyfe

First Name Nat
Last Name Fyfe
Born on September 18, 1991 (age 33)

Nathan Fyfe is a professional Australian rules footballer playing for the Fremantle Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). He received a nomination for the 2010 AFL Rising Star award in round 9 of the 2010 season. Fyfe is a dual Brownlow Medallist, dual Leigh Matthews Trophy recipient, three-time All-Australian and three-time Doig Medallist. He has served as Fremantle captain since the 2017 season.

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