List of Famous people with last name Fuyutsugu

Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu

First Name Fujiwara
Last Name Fuyutsugu
Born on November 30, 0774
Died on September 3, 0826 (aged 51)

Fujiwara no Fuyutsugu was a Japanese noble, statesman, general, and poet of the early Heian period. A member of the Hokke, he was the second son of the udaijin Fujiwara no Uchimaro. He attained the court rank of shō ni-i (正二位) and the position of sadaijin, and posthumously of shō ichi-i (正一位) and daijō-daijin. He was also known as Kan'in-Daijin (閑院大臣).

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