List of Famous people with last name Forcalquier

William III of Forcalquier

First Name William
Last Name Forcalquier
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on January 1, 1129 (aged 79)

William III was the Count of Forcalquier and Marquis of Provence from 1094. He was the second son of Count Ermengol IV of Urgell and Adelaide, heiress of Count William Bertrand of Provence.

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Bertrand I of Forcalquier

First Name Bertrand
Last Name Forcalquier
Born on November 30, 1149 (age 874)

Bertrand I of Forcalquier was Count of Forcalquier from 1129 to 1144. He was the second son of William III and Gersende of Albon.

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Bertrand II of Forcalquier

First Name Bertrand
Last Name Forcalquier
Born on November 30, 1144
Died on January 1, 1207 (aged 62)

Bertrand II Count of Forcalquier, was the son of Bertrand I Count of Forcalquier and his wife Josserande de la Flotte, daughter of Arnaud de la Flotte Seigneur de Ravel. He was the grandson of William III of Forcalquier Marquis of Provence and Gersende of Albon.

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Garsenda, Countess of Forcalquier

First Name Garsenda,
Died on November 30, 1241

Garsenda was the Countess of Provence as the wife of Alfonso II from 1193 and the Countess of Forcalquier in her own right from 1209. She brought Forcalquier to the House of Barcelona and united it to Provence. She was also a patron of Occitan literature, especially the troubadours, and herself wrote some lyric poetry and is counted among the trobairitz as Garsenda de Proensa. She was, in the words of her most recent editors, "one of the most powerful women in Occitan history".

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William IV of Forcalquier

First Name William
Last Name Forcalquier
Died on January 1, 1209

William IV, Count of Forcalquier was the son of Bertrand I, Count of Forcalquier and Josserande de la Flotte. William married Adelaide de Beziers, daughter of Saura de Carcassone and Raimond Trencavel of Beziers Viscount of Beziers, of Agde, of Albi, of Carcassonne, and of Razès.

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Adelaide of Forcalquier

First Name Adelaide
Last Name Forcalquier
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on November 30, 1128 (aged 79)

Jeanne, Dauphine d'Auvergne was a suo jure reigning countess of Forcalquier in 1110-1129

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