List of Famous people with last name Fitzwarin

John Bourchier, Lord FitzWarin

First Name John
Last Name FitzWarin
Born on November 24, 1585 (age 438)
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Robert Bourchier, Lord FitzWarin

First Name Robert
Last Name FitzWarin
Born on March 3, 1586 (age 438)
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John Bourchier, Lord FitzWarin

First Name John
Last Name FitzWarin
Born on January 21, 1630 (age 394)
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William FitzWarin

First Name William
Last Name FitzWarin
Died on January 1, 1299

Sir William FitzWarin was an English soldier active during the First War of Scottish Independence. He was the constable of Urquhart Castle (1296-1297) and after the English defeat at the Battle of Stirling Bridge on 11 September 1297, he was appointed constable of Stirling Castle, which he later surrendered and was imprisoned in Dumbarton Castle.

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