List of Famous people with last name Diessen

Haziga of Diessen

First Name Haziga
Born on November 30, 1039
Died on August 1, 1104 (aged 64)

Haziga of Diessen, also known as Hadegunde was a Countess consort of Scheyern. Her descent is not entirely clear. It is usually assumed that her father was Count Frederick II of Diessen. He was Vogt of the Cathedral chapter in Regensburg. He was married three times; it is unclear in which marriage Haziga was born.

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Frederick II, Count of Diessen

First Name Frederick
Last Name Diessen
Born on January 1, 1005
Died on January 1, 1075 (aged 70)

Frederick II of Dießen was a German nobleman. He is documented as bailiff (Vogt) of the Regensburg cathedral chapter in 1035. He is one of the earliest known ancestors of the Counts of Andechs.

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Berchtold II de Diessen

First Name Berchtold
Last Name Diessen
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on November 30, 1059 (aged 10)
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Don't know him/her
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