List of Famous people with last name Diarmata

Murchad mac Diarmata

First Name Murchad
Died on January 1, 1070
Born in Ireland

Murchad mac Diarmata was a late eleventh-century ruler of the kingdoms of Leinster, Dublin, and the Isles. He was a member of the Uí Chennselaig, and a son of Diarmait mac Máel na mBó, King of Leinster. Murchad had three sons: Domnall, Donnchad, and Énna. He is the eponymous founder of the Meic Murchada, a branch of the Uí Chennselaig who adopted the surname Mac Murchada.

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Domnall Mór mac Diarmata

First Name Domnall
Died on December 1, 1206
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Don't know him/her
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