List of Famous people with last name Deluise

David DeLuise

First Name David
Last Name DeLuise
Born on November 11, 1971 (age 53)

David Dominick DeLuise is an American actor and television director, known for his starring roles on 3rd Rock From The Sun (1996-2001), Jesse (1998-1999), Megas XLR, and Wizards of Waverly Place, and for his movie roles in Terror Tract (2000), and Jam (2006).

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Peter DeLuise

First Name Peter
Last Name DeLuise
Born on November 6, 1966 (age 58)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Peter John DeLuise is an American actor, television director, television producer, and screenwriter, known for his role as Officer Doug Penhall in the Fox TV series 21 Jump Street, and for directing and writing episodes of science fiction television shows, particularly in the Stargate franchise. He is the son of actors Dom DeLuise and Carol Arthur.

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Michael DeLuise

First Name Michael
Last Name DeLuise
Born on August 4, 1969 (age 55)

Michael Robert DeLuise is an American actor, film director, and film producer.

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