List of Famous people with last name Dandolo

Enrico Dandolo

First Name Enrico
Last Name Dandolo
Born on January 1, 1107
Died on April 30, 1205 (aged 98)

Enrico Dandolo was the 41st Doge of Venice from 1192 until his death. He is remembered for his avowed piety, longevity, and shrewdness, and is known for his role in the Fourth Crusade and the Sack of Constantinople.

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Anna Dandolo

First Name Anna
Last Name Dandolo
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on November 30, 1257 (aged 57)

Anna Dandolo was a Venetian noblewoman who became Queen of Serbia as the third wife of King Stefan the First-Crowned, founder of the Serbian kingdom. She was crowned with Stefan in 1217, and she held this title until his death on 24 September 1228. She was the granddaughter of Enrico Dandolo, Doge of Venice. King Stefan Uroš I was her son.

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Giusi Raspani Dandolo

First Name Giusi
Born on August 23, 1916
Died on January 14, 2000 (aged 83)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Giusi Raspani Dandolo was an Italian stage, film, television and radio actress.

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Giovanni Dandolo

First Name Giovanni
Last Name Dandolo
Born on January 1, 1300
Died on November 2, 1289

Giovanni Dandolo was the 48th Doge of Venice, elected late in his life on 31 March 1280, died on 2 November 1289. During his reign the first Venetian gold ducat was introduced into circulation.

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