List of Famous people with last name Cyzicus

Apollonis of Cyzicus

First Name Apollonis
Died on November 30, -0161

Apollonis was the wife of Attalus I, the first ruler of Pergamon. The dates of her birth and death are unclear; scholars estimate that she was born around 240 BCE., while estimating her death as any time between 175 and 159 BCE. Apollonis outlived her husband, who was approximately 30 years older than her, by many years.

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Neanthes of Cyzicus

First Name Neanthes
Born on November 30, -0251
Died on November 30, -0301

Neanthes of Cyzicus is apparently the name of two writers whose works have largely been lost. The elder Neanthes of Cyzicus was a disciple of Philiscus of Miletus, who himself had been a pupil of Isocrates. An honorary decree of 287 BC in which the people Delphi award him the proxeny is the earliest of "only five decrees from the third century honoring historians, teachers of grammar or literature, or philosophers for their educational activities in the cities' gymnasia."

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Timolaus of Cyzicus

First Name Timolaus

Timolaus of Cyzicus was one of Plato's students.

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