List of Famous people with last name Crusader

Sweyn the Crusader

First Name Sweyn
Born on January 1, 1050
Died on January 1, 1097 (aged 47)

Sweyn the Crusader was a Danish crusader.

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Sigurd the Crusader

First Name Sigurd
Died on March 26, 1130

Sigurd I Magnusson, also known as Sigurd the Crusader, was King of Norway from 1103 to 1130. His rule, together with his half-brother Øystein, has been regarded by historians as a golden age for the medieval Kingdom of Norway. He is otherwise famous for leading the Norwegian Crusade (1107–1110), earning the eponym "the Crusader", and was the first European king to personally participate in a crusade.

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