List of Famous people with last name Conaing

Congalach mac Conaing

First Name Congalach
Died on January 1, 0778

Congalach mac Conaing was a King of Brega from the Uí Chonaing sept of Cnogba (Knowth) of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Conaing mac Amalgado, a previous king.

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Írgalach mac Conaing

First Name Írgalach
Born on January 1, 0601
Died on November 30, 0701 (aged 100)

Írgalach mac Conaing Cuirre, also called Írgalach ua Conaing, was a King of Brega from the Uí Chonaing sept of Cnogba (Knowth) of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Conaing Cuirre mac Congaile and brother of Congalach mac Conaing Cuirre, previous kings of Brega. He ruled from 696 to 702.

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Diarmait mac Conaing

First Name Diarmait
Died on November 30, 0785

Diarmait mac Conaing was a King of Brega from the Uí Chonaing sept of Cnogba (Knowth) of the Síl nÁedo Sláine branch of the southern Ui Neill. He was the son of Conaing mac Amalgado and brother of Congalach mac Conaing, previous kings. He ruled from 778 to 786.

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