List of Famous people with last name Comminges

Bernard VIII, Count of Comminges

First Name Bernard
Last Name Comminges
Died on January 1, 1336

Bernard VIII of Comminges was the Count of Comminges in what is now southern France. He was the son and successor of Count Bernard VII of Comminges and Laura of Montfort.

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Marguerite of Comminges

First Name Marguerite
Last Name Comminges
Died on January 1, 1443

Margaret, Countess of Comminges (1366-1443), was a Countess regnant suo jure of Comminges in 1375-1443.

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Peter Raymond I of Comminges

First Name Peter
Last Name Comminges
Died on November 30, 1340
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Cecilia of Comminges

First Name Cecilia
Last Name Comminges
Born on November 30, 1319
Died on June 16, 1384 (aged 64)

Cécile de Comminges (c.1320–1384) was a French noblewoman who was Countess of Urgel 1336–1347 and Viscountess of Turenne 1339–1349.

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Jean-Raymond de Comminges

First Name Jean-Raymond
Born on January 1, 1285
Died on November 30, 1347 (aged 62)
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Arsinde, Countess of Provence

First Name Arsinde,
Born on November 30, 0949
Died on November 30, 0981 (aged 32)
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Bernard IV of Comminges

First Name Bernard
Last Name Comminges
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on February 22, 1225 (aged 25)
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Peter Raymond II of Comminges

First Name Peter
Last Name Comminges
Died on November 30, 1374
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Arnaud of Comminges

First Name Arnaud
Last Name Comminges
Born on November 30, 0899
Died on November 27, 0957 (aged 57)
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Bernard III of Comminges

First Name Bernard
Last Name Comminges
Born on November 30, 1119
Died on November 30, 1180 (aged 61)
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