List of Famous people with last name Colmain

Suibne mac Colmáin

First Name Suibne
Died on November 30, 0599

Suibne mac Colmáin was a King of Uisnech in Mide of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son of Colmán Már mac Diarmato, also King of Uisnech. He ruled Uisnech from 587 to 600.

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Óengus mac Colmáin

First Name Óengus
Born on January 1, 0501
Died on January 1, 0621 (aged 120)

Óengus mac Colmáin Bec was an Irish king. He was the King of Uisnech in Mide from 618 to 621. He belonged to the southern Uí Néill. According to the genealogies, he was a son of Colmán Bec, son of Diarmait mac Cerbaill. The later Caílle Follamain traced their descent through Óengus.

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Fergus mac Colmáin

First Name Fergus
Last Name Colmáin
Died on November 30, 0617

Fergus mac Colmáin was a King of Uisnech in Mide, Ireland, of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son of Colmán Már mac Diarmato and brother of Suibne mac Colmáin, also kings of Uisnech. He ruled Uisnech from 600 to 618.

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