List of Famous people with last name Cherleton

John Charleton, 3rd Baron Cherleton

First Name John
Last Name Cherleton
Born on November 30, 1335
Died on November 30, 1373 (aged 38)

John Charlton, 3rd Baron Cherleton, 3rd Lord Charlton of Powys. He was the son of John Charleton, 2nd Baron Cherleton and his wife Maud Mortimer. His marriage with Joan de Stafford, a daughter of Ralph Stafford, 1st Earl of Stafford had been arranged by his brilliant grandfather in 1343. He succeeded to the title of 3rd Lord Cherleton in 1360.

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John Charleton, 4th Baron Cherleton

First Name John
Last Name Cherleton
Born on April 25, 1362
Died on October 19, 1401 (aged 39)

John Charlton , 4th Baron Charlton of Powys

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Joan de Cherleton

First Name Joan
Last Name Cherleton
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John de Cherleton

First Name John
Last Name Cherleton
Born on November 30, 1306 (age 717)
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Don't know him/her
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