List of Famous people with last name Cappadocia

George of Cappadocia

First Name George
Last Name Cappadocia
Born on November 30, 0319
Died on December 24, 0361 (aged 42)

George of Cappadocia was the intruding Arian bishop of Alexandria from 356 until his martyrdom.

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Laodice of Cappadocia

First Name Laodice
Born on November 30, -0151
Died on November 30, -0101 (aged 50)

Berenice or Laodice of Cappadocia, also known as Laodice was a princess from the Kingdom of Pontus and a queen of the Kingdom of Cappadocia.

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Ariarathes V of Cappadocia

First Name Ariarathes
Born on January 1, -0200
Died on January 1, -0200
Born in Turkey

Ariarathes V Eusebes Philopator was a son of the preceding king Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia and queen Antiochis. He was distinguished by his contemporaries for his excellence of his character and his cultivation of philosophy and the liberal arts and is considered by some historians to have been the greatest of the kings of Cappadocia.

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Archelaus of Cappadocia

First Name Archelaus
Last Name Cappadocia
Born on November 30, -0051
Died on January 1, 0017 (aged 68)
Born in Turkey

Archelaus was a Roman client prince and the last king of Cappadocia.

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Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia

First Name Ariarathes
Born on January 1, -0300
Died on January 1, -0200 (aged 100)

Ariarathes IV, surnamed Eusebes, "the Pious",, was the king of Cappadocia in 220–163 BC.

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Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia

First Name Ariarathes
Born on January 1, -0200
Died on January 1, -0200

Ariarathes VI Epiphanes Philopator, was the Ariarathid king of Cappadocia from 130 BC to 116 BC. He was the youngest son of Ariarathes V of Cappadocia and Nysa of Cappadocia.

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Ariobarzanes II of Cappadocia

First Name Ariobarzanes
Born on January 1, -0090
Died on January 1, -0100

Ariobarzanes II, surnamed Philopator, "father-loving",, was the king of Cappadocia from c. 63 BC or 62 BC to c. 51 BC. He was the son of King Ariobarzanes I of Cappadocia and his wife Queen Athenais Philostorgos I, while his sister was Isias Philostorgos, who married King Antiochus I Theos of Commagene. Ariobarzanes II was half Persian and half Greek.

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Stratonice of Cappadocia

First Name Stratonice

Stratonice was a princess of the Seleucid Empire. She was one of the daughters born to the Seleucid Monarchs Antiochus II Theos and Laodice I. Among her brothers was the Seleucid King Seleucus II Callinicus and prince Antiochus Hierax.

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Ariarathes VII of Cappadocia

First Name Ariarathes
Born on January 1, -0200
Died on January 1, -0200

Ariarathes VII Philometor ("mother-loving"), King of Cappadocia, was the first son of King Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia and his wife Laodice of Cappadocia. Ariarathes VII had an older sister called Nysa and a younger brother called Ariarathes VIII of Cappadocia.

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Ariarathes VIII of Cappadocia

First Name Ariarathes
Born on January 1, -0101
Died on January 1, -0001 (aged 100)

Ariarathes VIII Epiphanes, King of Cappadocia, was the second son of Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia and wife Laodice of Cappadocia. Ariarathes VIII had an older sister called Nysa and an older brother called Ariarathes VII of Cappadocia.

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