List of Famous people with last name Callen

Bryan Callen

First Name Bryan
Last Name Callen
Born on January 26, 1867 (age 157)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Bryan Callen is an American stand-up comedian, actor, writer and podcaster. He studied acting at the Beverly Hills Playhouse. Callen initiated his career as one of the original cast members on the sketch comedy series MADtv. Callen played Coach Mellor in The Goldbergs and reprised the role as a main character in the Goldbergs spinoff series Schooled. He is co-host of the podcast The Fighter and the Kid, alongside Brendan Schaub.

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John Callen

First Name John
Last Name Callen
Born on November 4, 1946 (age 77)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

John Callen is an English-born New Zealand actor and director. He portrayed Óin, brother of Glóin in the 2012-2014 The Hobbit film trilogy.

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