List of Famous people with last name Brunton

Richard Henry Brunton

First Name Richard
Last Name Brunton
Born on December 26, 1841
Died on April 23, 1901 (aged 59)

Richard Henry Brunton FRGS MICE was the so-called "Father of Japanese lighthouses". Brunton was born in Muchalls, Kincardineshire, Scotland. He was employed by the government of Meiji period Japan as a foreign advisor, primarily to build lighthouses.

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John Brunton

First Name John
Last Name Brunton
Born on November 10, 1741
Died on January 17, 1822 (aged 80)

John Brunton (1741–1822) was an English actor who became the manager of a circuit of theatres in and around Norfolk. He assiduously cultivated emerging talent in his company, which also produced actors amongst his children and grandchildren. He also used funds from his theatrical successes to fund philanthropy, including establishing the Norwich Theatrical Fund.

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John Brunton

First Name John
Last Name Brunton
Born on March 5, 1775
Died on July 14, 1849 (aged 74)
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Dorothy Brunton

First Name Dorothy
Last Name Brunton
Died on May 12, 1948
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Spencer Brunton

First Name Spencer
Last Name Brunton
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Don't know him/her
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