List of Famous people with last name Bouts

Dieric Bouts

First Name Dieric
Died on May 6, 1475

Dieric Bouts was an Early Netherlandish painter.

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Aelbrecht Bouts

First Name Aelbrecht
Born on January 1, 1450
Died on March 1, 1549 (aged 99)

Aelbrecht Bouts was a Flemish painter of the Early Netherlandish era. His first name is sometimes spelled ‘Albert’, ‘Aelbert’ or ‘Albrecht’. He was born into a family of painters in Leuven. Aelbrecht’s father was Dieric Bouts the Elder, and his brother was Dieric Bouts the Younger. Jan Bouts, son of Dieric Bouts the Younger, also became a painter. Dieric Bouts the Younger inherited his father’s shop in 1475, while Aelbrecht established his own workshop, also in Leuven. Whereas Dieric the Younger continued in his father's style, Aelbrecht developed his own unmistakable style with strong colors, rich texture and fine details. He died in Leuven.

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