List of Famous people with last name Bibi

Bushra Bibi

بشری ریاض وٹو
First Name Bushra
Born on August 16, 1974 (age 49)

Bushra Bibi Khan is the third spouse of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan. She and Khan married six months before he assumed office as Prime Minister.

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Mukhtaran Bibi

First Name Mukhtaran
Born on January 1, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Mukhtaran Bibi is a Pakistani woman from the village of Meerwala, in the rural tehsil (county) of Jatoi of the Muzaffargarh District of Pakistan. In June 2002, Mukhtār Mā'ī was the survivor of a gang rape as a form of honour revenge, on the orders of a tribal council of the local Mastoi Baloch clan that was richer and more powerful than her Tatla clan in that region.

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