List of Famous people with last name Ballas

Shirley Ballas

First Name Shirley
Last Name Ballas
Born on September 17, 1960 (age 64)
Height 158 cm | 5'2

Shirley Annette Ballas is an English ballroom dancer, dance teacher, and dance adjudicator. She specialises in the International Latin division, where she won several championship titles which earned her the nickname The Queen of Latin.

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Mark Ballas

First Name Mark
Last Name Ballas
Born on May 24, 1986 (age 38)

Mark Alexander Ballas Jr. is an American dancer, choreographer, singer-songwriter, musician, and actor.

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Corky Ballas

First Name Corky
Born on December 25, 1960 (age 64)

Mark Alexander Ballas Sr., known as Corky Ballas, is a retired competitive ballroom dancer of Greek, Mexican, and Spanish descent who holds several Latin dance championship titles. His son, Mark Ballas, is a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars. His father was George Ballas, who invented the Weed Eater lawn-trimming device.

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