List of Famous people with last name Baden-pforzheim

Rudolf IV, Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim

First Name Rudolf
Last Name Baden-Pforzheim
Born on November 30, 1299
Died on June 25, 1348 (aged 48)

Rudolf IV, Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim was a son of Margrave Herman VII of Baden and his wife, Agnes of Truhendingen.

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Herman VIII, Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim

First Name Herman
Last Name Baden-Pforzheim
Born on November 30, 1200
Died on January 1, 1300 (aged 99)

Herman VIII, Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim was a son of Margrave Herman VII and his wife Agnes of Truhendingen. From 1291 until his death, he ruled Baden-Pforzheim, the northern part of the Margraviate of Baden, jointly with his brother Rudolf IV.

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Rudolf V, Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim

First Name Rudolf
Last Name Baden-Pforzheim
Born on November 30, 1300
Died on August 28, 1361 (aged 60)

Rudolf V, Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim was a son of Margrave Rudolf IV and his second wife Maria of Oettingen. In 1348, he succeeded his father as Margrave of Baden-Pforzheim.

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