List of Famous people with last name Baden-eberstein

Frederick II, Margrave of Baden-Eberstein

First Name Frederick
Last Name Baden-Eberstein
Born on January 1, 1300
Died on June 22, 1333 (aged 33)

Frederick II, Margrave of Baden was the ruling Margrave of Baden-Eberstein from 1291 until his death. He was the son of Herman VII of Baden and Agnes of Trunhendingen.

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Herman IX, Margrave of Baden-Eberstein

First Name Herman
Last Name Baden-Eberstein
Born on November 30, 1349
Died on April 13, 1353 (aged 3)

Herman IX, Margrave of Baden-Eberstein was a titular Margrave of Baden and a ruling Lord of Eberstein

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