List of Famous people with last name Atropatene

Artavasdes I of Media Atropatene

First Name Artavasdes
Born on January 1, -0059
Died on January 1, -0020 (aged 39)

Artavasdes I of Media Atropatene, also known as Artavasdes I of Atropatene, Artavasdes I and Artavasdes was a Prince who served as a King of Media Atropatene. Artavasdes I was an enemy of King Artavasdes II of Armenia and his son Artaxias II. He was a contemporary with the Ptolemaic Greek Queen Cleopatra VII and Roman Triumvir Mark Antony, as Artavasdes I was mentioned in their diplomatic affairs.

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Ariobarzanes II of Atropatene

First Name Ariobarzanes
Born on January 1, -0040
Died on November 30, 0003 (aged 43)

Ariobarzanes II of Atropatene also known as Ariobarzanes of Media; Ariobarzanes of Armenia; Ariobarzanes II; Ariobarzanes II of Media Atropatene and Ariobarzanes was a Prince who served as King of Media Atropatene who ruled sometime from 28 BC to 20 BC until 4 and was appointed by the Roman emperor Augustus to serve as a Roman Client King of Armenia Major from 2 AD until 4.

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Ariobarzanes I of Media Atropatene

First Name Ariobarzanes
Born on January 1, -0065 (age 2089)

Ariobarzanes I of Media Atropatene, also known as Ariobarzanes I of Media, Ariobarzanes of Atropatene, Ariobarzanes I and Ariobarzanes was a Prince who served as a King of Media Atropatene.

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