List of Famous people with last name Arundel

Thomas Howard, 21st Earl of Arundel

First Name Thomas
Last Name Arundel
Born on July 7, 1585
Died on October 4, 1646 (aged 61)

Thomas Howard, 14th Earl of Arundel KG, was a prominent English courtier during the reigns of King James I and King Charles I, but he made his name as a Grand Tourist and art collector rather than as a politician. When he died he possessed 700 paintings, along with large collections of sculpture, books, prints, drawings, and antique jewellery. Most of his collection of marble carvings, known as the Arundel marbles, was eventually left to the University of Oxford.

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Richard FitzAlan, 10th Earl of Arundel

First Name Richard
Last Name Arundel
Born on November 30, 1312
Died on January 24, 1376 (aged 63)

Richard Fitzalan, 3rd Earl of Arundel, 8th Earl of Surrey was an English nobleman and medieval military leader and distinguished admiral. Arundel was one of the wealthiest nobles, and most loyal noble retainer of the chivalric code that governed the reign of Edward III of England.

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Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel

First Name Richard
Last Name Arundel
Born on January 1, 1346
Died on September 21, 1397 (aged 51)

Richard Fitzalan, 4th Earl of Arundel, 9th Earl of Surrey, KG was an English medieval nobleman and military commander.

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Beatrice, Countess of Arundel

First Name Beatrice,
Last Name Arundel
Born on November 30, 1379
Died on November 30, 1438 (aged 59)
Born in Portugal, Évora

Beatrice of Portugal, LG, was a natural daughter of John I of Portugal and Inês Pires born before the marriage of her father with Philippa of Lancaster. She was a sister of Afonso, Duke of Braganza and half-sister of King Edward of Portugal, Infante Peter, Duke of Coimbra, Henry the Navigator, Isabella of Portugal, Duchess of Burgundy, John, Constable of Portugal, and Ferdinand the Saint Prince. Queen Philippa was in charge of the education of both of her husband's children out of wedlock.

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Alethea Howard, Countess of Arundel

First Name Alethea
Born on January 1, 1585
Died on June 3, 1654 (aged 69)

Alethea Howard, 14th Baroness Talbot, 17th Baroness Strange of Blackmere, 13th Baroness Furnivall, Countess of Arundel, née Lady Alethea Talbot, was a famous patron and art collector and one of England's first published female scientists. She was the wife of Thomas Howard, 21st Earl of Arundel with whom she build one of the most important art collection of the 17th century's England. She was the youngest daughter of Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury and his wife Mary Cavendish; and the sister of two other countesses: Mary Herbert, Countess of Pembroke and Elizabeth Grey, Countess of Kent.

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Edmund FitzAlan, 9th Earl of Arundel

First Name Edmund
Last Name Arundel
Died on November 17, 1326

Edmund Fitzalan, 9th Earl of Arundel was an English nobleman prominent in the conflict between King Edward II and his barons. His father, Richard Fitzalan, 1st Earl of Arundel, died in 1302, while Edmund was still a minor. He therefore became a ward of John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey, and married Warenne's granddaughter Alice. In 1306 he was styled Earl of Arundel, and served under Edward I in the Scottish Wars, for which he was richly rewarded.

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Alice of Saluzzo, Countess of Arundel

First Name Alice
Last Name Arundel
Born on November 30, 1200
Died on September 25, 1292 (aged 91)
Born in Italy, Piedmont

Alice of Saluzzo, Countess of Arundel, also known as Alesia di Saluzzo, was an Savoyard noblewoman and an English countess. She was daughter of Thomas I of Saluzzo, and the wife of Richard Fitzalan, 8th Earl of Arundel. She assumed the title of Countess of Arundel in 1289.

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Richard FitzAlan, 8th Earl of Arundel

First Name Richard
Last Name Arundel
Born on February 3, 1267
Died on March 9, 1302 (aged 35)

Richard FitzAlan, 8th Earl of Arundel was an English nobleman and soldier.

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Henry Howard, 22nd Earl of Arundel

First Name Henry
Last Name Arundel
Born on August 15, 1608
Died on April 17, 1652 (aged 43)

Henry Frederick Howard, 15th Earl of Arundel PC, styled Lord Maltravers until 1640, and Baron Mowbray from 1640 until 1652, was an English nobleman, chiefly remembered for his role in the development of the rule against perpetuities.

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William d'Aubigny, 1st Earl of Arundel

First Name William
Last Name Arundel
Born on January 1, 1109
Died on October 19, 1176 (aged 67)

William d'Aubigny, 1st Earl of Lincoln and 1st Earl of Arundel, also known as William d'Albini, William de Albini and William de Albini II, was an English nobleman. He was the son of William d'Aubigny "Pincerna" of Old Buckenham Castle in Norfolk, and Maud Bigod, daughter of Roger Bigod of Norfolk.

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