List of Famous people with last name Andechs

Berthold II, Count of Andechs

First Name Berthold
Last Name Andechs
Born on January 1, 1105
Died on June 27, 1151 (aged 46)

Berthold II of Andechs, a member of the House of Andechs, was a German nobleman. He was a ruling count of Dießen and Andechs in the Duchy of Bavaria, of Plassenburg and Kulmbach in Franconia, as well as bailiff of Benediktbeuern Abbey.

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Arnold IV, Count of Andechs

First Name Arnold
Last Name Andechs
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on November 30, 1079 (aged 30)
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Matilda of Andechs

First Name Matilda
Last Name Andechs
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on November 30, 1244 (aged 95)

Matilda of Andechs was a daughter of Margrave Berthold I of Istria and his first wife, Hedwig of Dachau-Wittelsbach, daughter of the Bavarian Count palatine Otto IV of Scheyern.

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Otto VI. von Andechs

First Name Otto
Last Name Andechs
Born on November 30, 1131
Died on May 2, 1196 (aged 64)
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Poppo of Andechs

First Name Poppo
Died on November 30, 1159
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Arnold V, Count of Andechs

First Name Arnold
Last Name Andechs
Died on November 30, 1119
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Don't know him/her

Berthold I, Count of Andechs

First Name Berthold
Last Name Andechs
Died on January 1, 1060
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Don't know him/her
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