List of Famous people with last name Aloros

Ptolemy of Aloros

First Name Ptolemy
Born on November 30, -0451
Died on January 1, -0365 (aged 86)

Ptolemy of Aloros, was sent by King Amyntas III of Macedon as an envoy to Athens c. 375–373 BC. After Amyntas' death, he began a liaison with his widow, Eurydice. In 368 BC, he assassinated her son, Alexander II, in order to gain control of the throne. His actions were not well-regarded by the leading families of Macedon, who called in the Theban general, Pelopidas, to re-establish peace. As part of the peace settlement, Philip, Alexander II's younger brother, was taken as a hostage back to Thebes. As Alexander II's elder brother, Perdiccas III, was under-age when Alexander II was killed, Ptolemy of Aloros ruled as regent.

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