List of Famous people with last name Aaronsohn

Sarah Aaronsohn

First Name Sarah
Last Name Aaronsohn
Died on October 9, 1917

Sarah Aaronsohn was a member of Nili, a ring of Jewish spies working for the British in World War I, and a sister of notable agronomist Aaron Aaronsohn. She is often referred to as the "heroine of Nili."

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Aaron Aaronsohn

First Name Aaron
Last Name Aaronsohn
Died on May 15, 1919

Aaron Aaronsohn was a Jewish agronomist, botanist, and Zionist activist, who was born in Romania and lived most of his life in the Land of Israel, then part of the Ottoman Empire. Aaronsohn was the discoverer of emmer, believed to be "the mother of wheat."

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